under the unusual, a name, or chief of "psychoanalysis,"
onto the others --- some idea which .  .   .
Between my . . .     .        .

Into the sensory ----- that new vividness -------- dream context.

We, in a distorted form, the  .   .     .

With the waking, a dream's life-member content.   T  h  e  r  e   ,

melting my f i n g e r t i p  s

Sundry Extraneous Data
This construction was generated with processes using Fibonacci numbers. Prepositions from m e l t i n g were used as anchors for extracting words and phrases from Sigmund Freud's On Dreams (©1952,1980; W.W. Norton & Co.) 1, 2, 3, 5, ..., 89 words away from the anchors. The resulting material was then assembled using another process based on Fibonacci numbers. This very text is present (somewhere) (no, really) in the composition melting(Freud), which is available herein for your perusal. [Also, I cheated when the outcome of the processes didn't suit me...]

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