* Richard Brautigan had a lot of things to say. This comes to mind now:

All secrets of past tense have just come my way,
but I still don't know what I'm going to do next.

  Richard Brautigan knew how to say a lot of things.

** What does this have to do with music, you might ask. Well, it might have something to do with it. Sometimes when I re-read something that I liked reading a previous time, I discover things that escaped me in the previous reading. This makes me wonder what else might have been missed. Maybe I didn't miss anything. Maybe it is because my perception changes.

*** As a rule, I am not one to mark in books. It seems interesting now that when I first read Silence I marked this small passage:

New music: new listening. Not an attempt to understand something that is being said, for, if something were being said,
the sounds would be given the shapes of words. Just an attention to the activity of sounds.

**** Also, I wonder if you will tell me what you think. And, if you do, will I then think the same thinks? Or, will I let go of those thoughts as though they were the cold ashes of a fire long dead? Or, will you let go of these thoughts as though they were a piece of stone? Do you feel that would be a good idea?

***** Also, I wonder if you can tell me what you feel. And, if you do, you know that I will not feel the same feelings Or, will you let these feelings go -- no, don't do that: If you feel something, just feel it; that is the center of the perception.

******The cheesecake is constructed from various ingredients according to a method.

*******The ingredients become a cheesecake by way of the processes that occur during baking.

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